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Builders Report

Builders Report: cost, advantages, and what to expect

Everything You Need To Know About Your Builders Report

When you are buying a house there is nothing more important than making sure that the property is safe, and that you’re actually receiving what you’re being sold on. One of the best ways to make sure the property that you’re buying is a safe place for you to live (and is worth the money the seller is asking!) is to get a builders report.

Sellers also utilize builders inspection report as a way to assure prospective buyers, shorten the close time on their property, and as a part of the valuation process.

There is significant value in getting an inspection completed by someone who can do a builders report, NZ homebuyers are under increasing pressure to buy homes without contingencies to speed the process along. While a quick close might be desirable, we don’t think it’s more important than protecting yourself and your investment.

So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at the basics of builders reports in New Zealand.

What Is A Builders Report (NZ)?

A builder’s report is a detailed inspection of the structural aspects of the property you intend to buy. It will assess a range of areas and factors that play into the overall stability and adherence of the property under the NZS 4306:2005 Residential Property Inspection.

What’s Included In A Builders Report?

A lot! All jokes aside though, a detailed building report might seem like overkill but spotting that patch of damp in the far back corner might just save you from extensive structural work a few years down the line.

You can download an example builders report here to see the kind of things we look for during an inspection.

Why Should You Get A Builders Report?

Many people think of the costs and the time it can take to complete as disadvantages of a builders report, but is saving a relatively small amount of money worth going into one of the largest financial decisions you’ll ever make without knowing the state of the asset you’re purchasing?

We believe that knowledge is power and even if you receive an unsatisfactory builders report you can use that knowledge to your advantage. If you know the exact state of the property you can withdraw from a potentially damaging financial situation, renegotiate terms, or go ahead with the sale knowing exactly what you’re getting into.

How Much Does A Builders Report Cost?

The price of a builders report can very widely depending on your unique circumstances, and any quote should ask you:

– How big is the property? The number of bedrooms is important, but not as important as the overall size of the building. For example, a two bedroom house with ensuites, two guest bathrooms, a recreation room, TV room, a formal dining room, two offices, and a gym is likely to be far more work than a two bedroom house with one bathroom, living room, kitchen, and dining.

– What type of property is it? Apartments, freestanding houses, terraced houses, townhouses – they all have their unique aspects.

– How complex is your property? Multiple stories and alterations to original plans can impact your inspection.

– How old is the house? The age of the property and the materials used also need to be taken into account.

Getting a quote

Talk to us today about creating a free, no obligation quote – or just fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Building Basics – Electrical

Across our Building Basics series, we’ve covered everything we look for in a pre-inspection, from the roof to the foundations. As with our blog on plumbing last time, your potential purchase’s electrics and wiring may be hidden in walls and ceilings. Unfortunately, out of sight does not mean peace of mind… It pays to have a thorough inspection of any possible hazards before you sign on the dotted line.

Age and stage

New Zealand has many homes which are old, with electrical wiring which is dated and might not be safe. Old wiring is unlikely to meet current NZ Electrical standards, so your property inspector will be on the lookout for a few tell-tale signs, including: 

  • the era of the property (when it was built),
  • the type of wiring in use, and
  • what the switchboard looks like.

Old wiring

VIR wiring that has failed       Steel Conduit that VIR wiring
and burnt out                            is commonly run in

If your wiring is over 60 years old, there’s a good chance you might need to replace it. The first type of wiring used is called Vulcanized Indian Rubber or VIR. This is commonly run in a steel conduit or wooden casing. From around 1940 to the late 1960s, a rubber coated electrical wire was commonly used to insulate wiring. This is called Tough Rubber Sheath wiring or TRS for short. Both of these types of wiring have been found to deteriorate over a period of time which can lead to an increased fire risk. It’s important to point out that an insurance company might decline to insure your property if the wiring is old or not fit for purpose – a great reason to get it checked. Exposed or deteriorated wiring is also an electrocution hazard.

In an older property, it’s likely that over the years, some (if not all) of the wiring has been replaced. Your property inspector will be checking that it’s fixed off properly i.e., not loose, in the ceiling or sub-floor. They’ll also be checking that it’s free from water and pest damage, something that might be more common with older rubber-coated wires. Ideally when an electrician replaces the older wiring they remove it so there is no risk of anyone accidentally making them ‘live’ in the future.

Circuit board or switchboard

Circuit breaker switchboard,     Older type ceramic fuse      Switchboard inside external
wires at back should not            switchboard                       meter box, some fuses have been
be accessible                                                                       changed for circuit breakers

Every home runs dozens of appliances which suck up power, like big fridge freezers, dishwashers, dryers, heat pumps, induction cookers, and microwaves. The load we are putting on our wiring and switchboards today has increased dramatically, but it can be too much on a switchboard that is no longer fit for purpose. The circuit board is there to protect your appliances and ensure a smooth ‘delivery’ of electricity without cutting out or causing light to flicker.

Without steady conduction, there’s a chance using too much electricity can cause fuses to blow, or circuit boards to ‘trip’. In some cases, there’s a risk of fire. Imagine you’re in the middle of a dinner party, entertaining friends, and the lights go or the hot water cylinder fails. Changing the fuse in an old switchboard (involving ceramic plugs and wire) is time consuming, fiddly, and dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Your property inspection report will include the age and condition of your switchboard and whether it is the old ‘fuse’ type of board, or a newer circuit breaker one. Many switchboards will be original to the property. Some aren’t easily accessible. Renovations or alterations over many years can mean past owners haven’t bothered to move the switchboard – we’ve even seen kitchen cabinets built around one!

Note: some older switchboards might contain asbestos, which is handy to know. This can add to the cost of replacement. While they might not need replacing right away, they make ‘modern living’ with our dedication to technology and gadgets a bit more difficult!

Switches and fittings

Other warning signs that your home requires rewiring can be the state of the switches and fittings. We’ll test the power sockets and be on the lookout for brown scorch marks, broken fittings, or loose wires.

If you’re in the market for a new home, make sure you read back over our Building Basics series.  When purchasing a property, there’s a large list of things that need to be checked over. If your property report highlights any electrical red flags, we recommend getting an electrician to check off if you need any imminent or future repairs. Go into your next purchase with your eyes wide open. For true peace of mind, book your comprehensive pre-purchase inspection with us today on 027 2939 808.

Building basics – Plumbing

Unexpected plumbing problems in your new home can really take the shine off that exciting purchase. That’s why a comprehensive property inspection is a must before you sign on the dotted line.

Plumbing issues can run the gamut from minor and fixable, right through to being expensive and incredibly disruptive. Because much of your home’s plumbing will be hidden in walls, under the ground, foundations, or  in your ceiling space, you may not even know there is a problem in the first place. So here are some things your property inspector will look for:

Reticulated plumbing and deteriorating pipework 

Reticulated plumbing refers to the water network or water pipes which service your home. The water is fed through large pipes from the public mains or pumped from water tanks to meet the pipes which supply water to your bathrooms, kitchen, toilets, taps etc. One of the first things your inspector will look for is the condition of your pipes (where visible) and the types of pipes used. 

There are some older types that are more problematic than newer ones, which some insurance companies will be reluctant to cover (if they fail and cause damage).  An example is a galvanized pipe – common to an older villa – which, while it might appear fine on the exterior, could be completely rusted out. This will mean water running through the pipes will move debris and gunk into your fittings, while your water quality might suffer too. 

If a bathroom or kitchen has been upgraded, it is likely that replumbing has also been carried out. While ‘replumbing’ might fill a purchaser with some confidence, new piping and plumbing doesn’t mean you can rest easy. During the late 1970s and early 1980s, a particular type of black plastic called Dux Quest piping was introduced into new houses as well as retrofitted into existing homes. However, it soon became clear that many of these new pipes were splitting, bursting and causing considerable damage, so Dux Quest was withdrawn from the market. If your property inspector spots black plastic piping from a renovation or home dating from this period, it may need replacing. And it’s another red flag for your insurance company, which might not cover you for leaks or other plumbing issues.

Looking for leaks

Turning on taps, running showers and flushing toilets are all on the list for your property inspector, who will be looking for leaks, wobbly fixtures, or loose fittings to be sure everything is operating well. If the pipes inside a wall aren’t fixed off (attached) properly, you might get a ‘water hammer’ which is a banging or clanging of the pipes against the wall or studs. Not just annoying, this can cause early damage to the fittings and pipes by helping them work loose. Toilet flushers not working, or the toilet ‘running’ can also be an annoying sound to hear in the night, while wasting water and contributing to a higher water bill. 

Moisture readings and bad smells

A moisture meter will pick up signs of moisture or leaks around the house, especially if there is mould present as well. Brown spots on the ceiling where there’s a bathroom above could also be a sign that there’s water leaking. If there is a significant leak – for example, under the shower – your property inspector should be able to pick this up when inspecting the sub floor. A persistent bad smell from a sink or drain could also indicate a blockage or break in the sewer line, or that the plumbing hasn’t been installed correctly. 

Are the pipes clipped up?

While under the house, an important thing your inspection will note is if pipes are well fitted to the sub-floor.  Are they clipped up to the timbers properly, or are they just lying on the ground? If they’re on the ground, there’s more risk of damage from pests, movement, floods or heavy rain, or from people going through there.  

Pipes at risk of damage from debris in subfloor

Recap: When it comes to plumbing, forewarned is forearmed! So, the big two to keep in mind when thinking about your next home’s plumbing are:

  1. The types of pipes used (and the era they were installed)
  2. Making sure the plumbing pipes are installed properly and clipped up under the house.

Remember, if your property report highlights any plumbing issues, we recommend getting a plumber to check off if you need any imminent or future repairs. When you invest in a comprehensive property inspection from our friendly, professional team, you can rest easy that purchasing your next home is more than ‘a pipe dream’. 

Building Basics – Cladding

One of the first things buyers notice when they pull up outside their potential new home is the cladding – the building material that is used to cover a structure’s exterior. When it comes to residential cladding, there are plenty of types used. All come with different pros and cons and things to be aware of – so here’s how you learn what to look for and figure out what’s going to be right for you. 

What are the different types of cladding?

When it comes to cladding, there are a multitude of options. In New Zealand, we are probably most familiar with timber weatherboard bungalows and villas, and solid brick homes. However, over the decades, plenty of other materials have entered the market for use on our homes’ exteriors. Newer products include composite weatherboards designed to replicate the look of real timber. Add schist, stone, plywood, aluminium and steel, fibre cement panels, brick veneer, plaster, stucco and vinyl siding into the mix and you’ve got plenty of options to suit all kinds of looks and feels.

What you see might not be what you get!

While you might like the ‘look’ of the cladding and be drawn by its street appeal, you really can’t judge a book by its cover. The solid brick you’re admiring might be brick veneer. That historic timber weatherboard cottage might be clad with an engineered product that may not be authentic to your vision – or stand the test of time. That’s why it’s important for your peace of mind and your bank balance to get a full property inspection before you sign on the dotted line.

Is there ‘good’ or ‘bad’ cladding?

Cladding is expected to perform as a weathertight material to keep structures insulated and dry. But nearly every type of cladding is likely to degrade someday, especially if it hasn’t been maintained well. This might be down to age, the way it’s been installed, environment or design (think leaky homes). Rotting timber, loose stonework, flaked-off paint and rusted-out joins can all be put down to poor maintenance. So, it’s important to establish whether or not a home’s cladding has been looked after, as this will give you a good idea of any immediate or future maintenance you should expect.

What does well-maintained cladding look like?

Some cladding is lower maintenance, some is higher. For example, cedar weatherboards need staining much more often than painted weatherboards. But a regularly-painted 120-year-old villa can still be perfectly sound. Your property report will detail the condition of the cladding, also noting if there have been penetrations (holes) made which could lead to water getting in. Badly applied sealant, Blu Tack poked in gaps – we’ve seen plenty of bodge-jobs over the years!

But there are some specific things we’re looking for:

Is there a drainage cavity?

Cladding’s ‘job’ is like that of an envelope – it’s there to protect what’s inside – and provide weather resistance, thermal insulation and hopefully, look good. But looks are definitely secondary in this equation. When inspecting the cladding, one of the big things we’ll be looking to see is whether there’s a drained cavity as part of the structure, as that will play a big part in how the cladding performs. Drained cavities allow drainage paths to take any water that penetrates the building envelope (exterior cladding) back to the outside face.

How is the ground clearance?

We also pay close attention to ground clearances – that is, where the wall cladding is in relation to the outside ground level, paving, garden, or deck. Ideally, cladding should be installed so it’s well clear of surrounding surfaces. This is to ensure the cladding stays dry, doesn’t rot and minimises the risk of moist air or water getting into the interior cavity of the building.

Any other red flags?

We’ll be on the lookout for cracks running up from the corners and along the mortar joints, that can be a sign of ground movement. In plaster homes without a cavity specifically, cracks in the monolithic cladding can be a real issue. That’s an open door for moisture to creep in – and stay in!

What about re-cladding?

A note about re-cladding. Cladding doesn’t last forever. Re-cladding, or putting a new cladding over an old, or existing, is common – especially when it comes to older builds. You might like the look of a current cladding, but it could also be disguising leaking or low-quality cladding. We reckon it’s best to bring in a professional who can help you understand what you’re really looking at – and help you feel confident in your decision.

Bottom line: a pre-purchase building inspection helps you understand every commitment that’s involved before you buy, and ultimately, so you can sleep easy in your new home.

Building Basics – Roofing

When it comes to buying a home, making sure the roof over your head is sound is a very important – but often overlooked – consideration.

The integrity of your home, and the quality of life you have in it, relies on a roof that’s going to keep out the elements. And because replacing or repairing your roof could be one of the biggest costs you face as a homeowner, it’s necessary to give the roof of a new or potential home as much consideration as you would the kitchen, the subfloor and the walls.

(When you book a property inspection with us, if your building is over two-storeys high, we’ll use a drone to get a really clear picture of what is going on up there – so you know we take this seriously!)

In New Zealand, the commonly used roofing materials we see are clay and concrete tiles, metal tiles, metal (corrugated) long-run roofing, shingles in wood, bitumen or slate, and membrane roofs. Roofing can be broken down into ‘heavy gauge’ such as clay or concrete tiles and ‘light gauge’ like steel roofing. Let’s take a look at what that means.

Tile roofing

●       Clay/concrete tiles

Given the different ages of New Zealand’s housing stock, this is one of the most prevalent roofing materials we see. Commonly used in the 50s, 60s and 70s, the concrete tile (which came later than the clay tile) is heavy, durable and fire resistant. Little wonder it was used during our mid-century housing boom! However, it can also break if walked on, and if individual tiles need to be replaced, they can be hard to colour-match.

On this type of roof, we are looking for any sort of visible damage, or signs of leakage. Obvious signs of repair might be painting over a taped area, silicone or sealant use.

Your property inspector will take a close look at the ridges and barges for signs of breakage and wear of the tile, grout or mortar.

–         The ridge is where the roof planes meet or intersect and where a ridge tile would be used to keep out the rain.

–         The barge is at the edges where the outer tiles finish in a gutter.

Other things to look for on tiled roofs are tiles that have slipped, or moved out of place, creating gaps and opportunities for water ingress.

Lichen and moss growth leading to protective coating fading

●       Metal tiles

Metal tiles are a more lightweight option and come in different profiles and patterns. Older style metal roof tiles may be steel coated with a bitumen overlay, known as ‘Decramastic’. The protected steel means it should last well, however metal tiles are also likely to lose coating over time which can lead to rust and poor performance. Lighter gauge metal can also dent when walked on.

Other things to be aware of with older metal tiles is the ‘chip’ coating. Some types, usually pre-80s, may contain asbestos in the glue, which will add significant cost to removal and disposal.

Decramastic tile has lost its protective coating and is rusting, some tiles replaced, tarpaulin used to stop moisture ingress in lieu of correct flashings, trough section roofing with low fall
Roofing poorly flashed, decramastic tiles have lost protective coating, dented and rusting

Corrugated iron/ metal long-run roofing

A corrugated iron or ‘long-run’ roof is a common sight in New Zealand and may be atop a century-old villa or a modern new build. Depending on age, we’re looking for signs of rust, rusted fixings, corrosion, flaking off, lifting and flapping.

Fixing missing fixing, hole left exposed
Brand new property, construction debris left on roof which could damage roofing or block spouting/downpipes
Silicone repairs to leaking joins and fixings

Shingle roofing

The most commonly used shingle roofing in New Zealand is asphalt shingle, which is a base layer (usually wood or fibreglass) impregnated with asphalt. Over time, the tiles may shed their coating and water ingress could become a problem. Slate tiles are expensive but may offer greater longevity.

Membrane roofing

While membrane roofs are meant to create a watertight covering over a building, this is not always the case as demonstrated by the ‘leaky building’ crisis in NZ. Many membrane roofs were constructed on a flat surface, which meant little or no ‘fall’ for water to move off. Newer membrane roofs are more highly regulated – however issues with this type of roof can be expensive and difficult to remediate as the whole surface (not just a few tiles, or a sheet of metal) will need to be replaced.

Don’t forget the underside!

Of course, every roof has an underside, and where accessible, we’ll check inside the roof cavity for water leakage, condensation on the bottom side – especially on tiles – and if building paper is present (and what condition it’s in). We’ll also let you know if a bird, possum or other creature has made your roof cavity home, which might indicate gaps or openings from the roof.

We’ve got you covered

General roof issues might include bodge jobs, repairs and fix-ups. And because this part of a building can be hard to access, they can go unnoticed. We have seen ‘new’ roofs laid over the top of old, rusted corrugated iron, because the original surface has failed – something you’d want to be aware of before you buy. Other things we look for are ‘penetrations’ – wherever the roof surface has been punctured or penetrated (like where the satellite dish, or solar panels are), to make sure it’s been well sealed and weathertight.

Incorrect fixings used and are corroding

Lastly, if our report highlights any roof issues, we recommend getting a roofer to check off if you need any imminent or future repairs.  When you invest in a comprehensive property inspection from our friendly, professional team, you can be sure – and not just when it comes to roofs – ‘We’ve got you covered’.

Building Basics – Insulation

When we conduct a thorough property inspection, one of the building basics we are looking for is insulation. We’re looking for whether your potential new home has it, and if so, what type it is – and how it’s likely to be performing.

Good insulation acts like a blanket to keep your home warm in winter and cooler in summer. But if it’s not up to scratch, or non-existent, you’ll soon find out with chilly floors, cold rooms and often, condensation, mould, and damp issues. An uninsulated or barely insulated house will also suffer from poor thermal performance, with heating costs and power bills soaring as a result. So, it’s important for any property inspection to include this in the report.

Age of the home and types of insulation

The main types of insulation on the market today are polystyrene, glass wool and polyester. Each has a different R value, which is a measure of the insulation’s effectiveness. The higher the R value, the better the insulation will perform.

The age of the property will often determine what sort of insulation – if any – we find. Houses built before 1978 are unlikely to have any insulation, unless it has been added later, and houses built before 2007 have lower than the currently-required levels of insulation, and often only single glazing as well. The upshot is that, unfortunately, many Kiwis are occupying homes that don’t meet current insulation standards.

Where do we look and what are we looking for?

Where there is access, we will be looking in the roof cavity and subfloor.

Roof cavity

In the ceiling, or roof cavity, we’ll be checking out what’s up there and if it’s in good condition. Ceiling insulation can be in blankets that cover joists, in segments (like Pink Batts) fitted between them, or it can be blown in as loose fill. The type of insulation used will give us an indicator of when it’s been installed: newer fibreglass or earth wools are thicker and have higher R values. Sometimes we come across older type blown type insulation, this type can contain asbestos, so that’s certainly something to flag in the report.

We’ll be looking at how well the insulation is laid, and if there are any gaps. For example, insulation can drift over time, particularly if you’ve had workers or tradies up there moving it aside to access wires or joists.

Another thing to check is whether any downlights in the ceiling are rated for insulation, as safety requirements call for a gap between older-style downlights and insulation. Loose fill insulation, i.e., not in ‘sheets’, can spill onto the top of the downlight and cause a serious fire hazard that we reckon you’d also want to avoid.

Property built approx. early 1970s, no ceiling insulation

Older type blown insulation – may contain asbestos


Insulation on a new build property moved by trades and not correctly reinstated


In the sub floor, we’ll be looking to see that any insulation has been installed correctly. It’s usually in the form of polyester, polystyrene blocks, or glass wool, which is fitted between the joists, stapled, or strapped in place. We might occasionally come across foil underfloor insulation, which was banned in 2016 after workers were electrocuted while installing it. A recent house we inspected had sarking type insulation which was foil that went over the bottom of the joists. When it was pushed up from underneath, you could feel the water (from an internal wet area leak) sitting in the insulation like a hammock. This is worse for any surrounding timber as the water will soak in and cause more damage in a shorter period of time.

Leaking water

Uninsulated subfloor – underside of flooring visible


It’s harder to work out what kind of insulation is in the walls, but it all comes back to the age of the house and the Building Code. Existing walls can be retrofitted with a type of foam or polystyrene bead insulation that’s blown into the top of the wall cavity, or through an external wall. A tell-tale sign is the holes made in the external cladding.

It’s important to note that retrofitting wall insulation to external walls may require a building consent. Your property inspector will not be able to check if a building consent has been granted, but we can advise you if this insulation appears to have been done.

When it comes to insulation, it’s important to know what you do or don’t have. With the diversity of NZ’s housing stock, it can be a real lottery. High quality insulation that’s installed well makes a huge difference to the wellbeing of any home’s occupants. And in the long run it saves money on heating and cooling bills.

Make sure you get expert information and advice right from the start with a comprehensive report from your friendly Property Inspector.




Building Basics – Conventional vs raft foundations

Every building needs a stable foundation and it’s important to know what you’re getting before you buy. This is why your property inspector will be closely checking your foundations. Your house might be constructed with a conventional or a raft foundation – but what’s the difference, and why does it matter?

What’s a conventional foundation?

A conventional foundation is the ‘old way’ they used to do concrete floors – and one most builders are familiar with, as it’s been around for years. A conventional foundation is essentially concrete poured straight onto the ground at a shallow depth, into a (generally) 100-mm thick slab, reinforced with steel. Around the edges and where any load-bearing internal walls would go, the ground would be dug out with excavated footings. Here, the concrete pour would be thicker to allow the load of the structure to transfer properly. The house is then built on top of the slab.

: Seismic resilience

A concrete-poured conventional foundation is far less likely to be used these days, with raft foundations – which we’ll look next – taking over as the preferred method. A conventional foundation has its limitations and can be prone to cracking (especially in earthquake prone areas). Older, unreinforced slab-on-ground foundations performed poorly on marginal and poor ground in the Christchurch earthquakes[1].

What’s a raft foundation?

A raft foundation, or mat foundation, is a type of slab-on-ground foundation used in both residential and commercial construction. Raft foundations generally don’t require excavated footings and are formed ‘on the ground’ rather than being dug in. The raft ‘floats’ over the ground, the way a raft floats on water. This type of foundation spreads the load of the building over a larger area than other foundations.

Image: Seismic resilience

Most commonly seen in new construction is a polystyrene ‘pod’ with hardfill, laid over an under-slab polythene ground sheet. This type of foundation is quicker and easier to construct, with less excavation and earthworks, while the polystyrene offers superior insulation. Raft slabs were proven in the Christchurch earthquakes[2] to be seismically stronger than conventional slabs due to being on top of the ground as opposed to being in the ground.

Raft foundation vs conventional foundation

What is your property inspector looking for?

 Your property inspector will ascertain how much movement or cracking there has been in your foundation if it is visible. A good place to look at the concrete foundation is in the garage. Gaps of 2-3mm may mean there is ground movement under the slab, and it’s worth getting an engineer’s report.

Another place to check is the ground levels around the slab and how much these come up to your cladding. Ground levels close to concrete mean moisture is more likely to damage the cladding or the framing.

Everything worth doing well starts with a good foundation! Ensuring you know what you’re buying with a house inspection report means that you can sleep easy knowing you are on steady ground.





Building Basics – Understanding Subfloors

When you’re buying a house, pretty much everything (the entire structure!) rests on making sure the foundations are up to scratch. That’s why your house inspection checklist really needs to start at the ground floor – or in this case, the subfloor.

The subfloor is the bottom most structure of a floor which is made up of piles, bearers and joists, all designed to lift your timber off the ground. (These are not to be confused with concrete or raft foundations – which we’ll cover in a separate article.)

Piles are the stilts, legs, or supports that come out of the ground and hold the bearers up. These are usually made from timber, concrete or a mixture of both (usually in this case called jack studs). The subfloor bearers are the main beams that run along the structure, while the joists are what the flooring materials are fixed to. In these sorts of floors you’ll generally have a subfloor space that you can get underneath.












Pile                   Jack Stud                      Bearer                  Joist


Plenty of New Zealand homes have these suspended timber floors – and many suffer from some common issues that aren’t visible from the street or the garden. So, let’s crawl under and check off what these issues might be, and what you should be on the lookout for.

First – is the subfloor space accessible?

Being able to access the space under the subfloor is key to finding out what’s really going on. Many are ‘walk in’, and big enough for people to store household goods, suitcases and outdoor sports gear under. Others are tight and claustrophobic. You ideally need at least 400mm clearance – or you’ll be crawling on your belly.

It’s very important to keep the access way clear, so you, a property inspector, or tradie can easily get in and under, to check out any issues. Sometimes hatches and doors get built over, as in the case of one property we looked at where the deck had been constructed over it. The owner had to spend the day taking his deck apart so we could access the subfloor – not advisable if you have an urgent issue such as a plumbing leak.


Once we are in, there are plenty of things to look for:


Dampness, leaks and soggy subfloors are one of the most common problems in suspended timber floors and can lead to poorer health for residents. Dampness issues can also have a ‘flow-on’ effect and lead to other problems like rot and corrosion, vermin and/or borer infestation, poor insulation performance and even instability if piles (holding the floor up) become unstable. During our inspection we also look for ground built up around the cladding and the subfloor which can lead to moisture, rotting timber and mould.


Ventilation and moisture barrier

Ventilation plays a big role in allowing airflow through the subfloor area and assists in keeping timbers dry. It’s important that vents built into the subfloor are not blocked off and that the ground level around them doesn’t allow moisture into the subfloor. Also that they are not damaged as that will make a path for pests. It’s now part of the Healthy Homes rules that you need to have a moisture barrier on the ground if subfloor areas are accessible. Things like a polythene sheet will help stop any damp rising and make life a lot easier and stop you getting wet or dirty.










Vent blocked off by planter


Insulation plays a crucial part in keeping the interior of a home warm and dry. There are so many different types of insulation and they have changed over the years. The older foil insulation we commonly see is not rated anymore and can be extremely dangerous if it meets live electricity. Other insulation types might be polystyrene blocks, or a fiberglass or polyester. If insulation is poor, or non-existent, it can add significant cost to your house expenditure, and buyers need to be aware of it.


Subfloor Connections

Bearers sit on piles or jack studs and can move over time – some older homes may even be resting on tree stumps! And in plenty of older houses the bearers were never attached to the piles – resting not fastened – not ideal in an earthquake. It is important to check for any gaps between the piles and bearers to ensure the piles are doing the work they should. Also check to ensure no piles appear to be missing as sometimes they can be removed for various reasons and either not replaced correctly or at all.









Gaps under piles


Age of the building

If a subfloor is built from original native timber or untreated timber it can show signs of cracking due to age, or it could be a sign of dry rot inside the joists and bearers, Conversely in wet areas, such as under bathrooms, showers and laundries, leaks from above can cause issues to flooring materials and joists.


Newer builds

These days, to be up to current code, you need the correct fixings, bracings and connections, called ‘subfloor bracing’. Simple bracing has to be bolted to the timbers using square washers. In the past, a lot of it was just nailed rather than bolted, or no bracing was installed at all. If a property is re-piled it will need to be brought up to these current codes.

subfloor bracing









New compliant bracing on left, older uncompliant bracing on right

While most foundations constructed now are concrete (more on this next time), you do still see the odd timber one in something like a replica villa, or perhaps an area that is susceptible to flooding, such as a floodplain where you need to lift it off the ground.


Quick checklist for older timber subfloors:

  • Access/clearance – identify the access point and the size of the crawl space
  • If there is moisture, know where it’s coming from.
  • Check whether timbers are sound or if are they showing signs of rot.
  • Quality of the insulation, if any.
  • Loose piles – where there is a gap between the piles and the bearers.
  • Missing piles – does there seem like an odd gap or is there a pile not included in a row?
  • The cladding around your foundation – it could be asbestos if it is a fibre cement board. Is the ground level built up around it and is this causing any visible moisture damage?
  • Where the wires and pipes are, and if they are sagging, and/or need replacement or clipping up.
  • If there are signs of borer. These are generally small holes in the timber and/or piles of dust. This is common especially in old native timber and untreated timber – and we see a lot of it in Auckland.

wood and wire









Borer dust and borer holes present


  • Evidence of vermin such as mice, rats, possums, or other pests.

Bottom line – there a lot to look for!

As we said earlier, literally everything rests on getting the foundations right, so don’t put off an inspection because you can’t ‘see’ any issues and you think ‘she’ll be right’. Get the subfloor sorted and have peace of mind.

While there are risks with any type of property you’re buying, it’s important to understand the building basics to ensure you’re able to make an informed choice about one of the biggest purchases of your life. Book a Property Inspector to do your home inspection report before making any commitments.

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Drained cavity system - showing the joint

Building Basics – Understanding Drained Cavity Systems

When you’re buying a house, it’s helpful to know some basic things to look for around the type of construction, to discover if there might be any issues. One of these building basics you might have heard of is the ‘drained cavity’ system. Whether a property has a drained cavity system or not can impact its weathertightness – which can have flow-on effects to the durability and longevity of the building structure itself. So what is a drained cavity, and how and why does it need to work?

Drained cavity basics

Since 2004, changes to the Building Act have meant an increase in the use of drained cavities behind exterior cladding – that’s the material on the outside of your dwelling. Your cladding might be brick, weatherboard, cedar, or plaster, for example.

Firstly, what are drained cavity systems? What we now know as ‘drained cavities’ allow drainage paths to take any water that penetrates the building envelope (exterior cladding) back to the outside face. Combined with openings in the building envelope that allow air into the cavity space, they assist in drying out moisture.

Prior to the new regulations, which were upgraded to provide an escape route for any water or moisture that penetrated the exterior cladding, a drained cavity as we know it today, was less standard. It was more likely for cladding to be fixed directly to the timber framing, with only a thin sheet of building paper providing any sort of barrier. Older brick houses were generally built with a type of cavity – but even those rules are different for brick construction today.

But don’t panic if you have a property built prior to the change in the building code. Drained cavities are also designed to work in conjunction with other features to aid in repelling water, such as flashing and roof eaves.  So, not everything constructed without a drain cavity is designed to fail.

Because different eras of homes were built under different building code regulations and rules, when we inspect properties, we consider the four Ds – deflection, drainage, drying and durability.


What to look for

Check under the cladding using a small mirror or your phone camera and see if the cladding has a vented strip underneath to allow air movement and moisture egress. For brick veneers check that there are weep and vent holes (gaps in the mortar between the bricks) every 3-4 bricks.

Drained cavity system - showing the joint

Showing the edge of a drained cavity system

Diagram of drained cavity system

Picture credit: BRANZ, 2010


Follow the 4 Ds

Deflection – the more a surface or wall is exposed to water, the higher the risk of water getting inside the building. Deflection elements such as cladding, flashings, roof eaves and verandas can all aid in deflecting rain away from walls.

Drainage – walls should be built to allow water that may have penetrated the exterior cladding to drain down the back of the cladding and back to the outside. This might be through specially designed drainage gaps at a window head or sill, or at the bottom of the cladding.

Drying – the amount of drying that occurs in a wall cavity can depend on the cladding type, and how the cladding is installed. E.g., if it is ‘direct fixed’ to the framing, there is less chance for ventilation and therefore, drying.

Durability – some claddings, such as brick, simply last longer and are less water permeable.


The properties that people worry about most are plaster homes, as even with drain cavity systems in place post 2004, a cavity system is not a guarantee that moisture will not cause damage to framing and wall linings. At the same time as this new plaster cladding surged in popularity, the building architecture also changed. ‘Mediterranean style’ designs introducing different and more complicated junctions, flat roofs, parapets and a lack of eaves all contributed to weathertightness issues.


What questions should people ask when looking at a plaster home?


What year was it built?
This will determine if there is likely to be a drainage cavity in place. Between the late 80s and 2004, plaster homes were more likely to be ‘direct-fixed’ and more susceptible to weathertightness issues. So, a big part of what we do is to ascertain exactly what is behind the plaster.

What state is the cladding in?

Has it been well maintained without cracks? Does it have an exterior paint surface designed to stop moisture penetrating it? Maintenance plays an important role in keeping any home, especially a plaster one, weathertight.

Does it allow for drainage and drying?
Does it have the added assurance of a drain cavity? Not everything may be as it seems even in a more modern ‘monolithic’ clad home.

Is the cladding original or is it hiding something?

There might be a second cladding on top of an original cladding that is not correctly installed. Note: we come across recladding on properties of many eras, not just ‘newer’ plaster homes. There are plenty of old bungalows that have been recovered in a lower maintenance cladding, as people who owned them realised how much effort and time it took them to maintain timber weatherboards. Sometimes this took the form of faux brick or a fake brick-like plaster coating. This is not classed as a drained cavity. It’s what is called a rain screen system – which isn’t allowed nowadays. So definitely something to have on your watchlist.

While there are risks with any type of property you’re buying, it’s important to understand the building basics to ensure you’re able to make an informed choice about one of the biggest purchases of your life. Book a property inspector to do your home inspection report before making any commitments.


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home inspection report

Common problems that pop up in a home inspection report

Every home is different. But when a property inspector puts together a home inspection report, there are a few common problems that pop up more often than others. Being aware of them might help you notice things while you are doing your own viewing, or prepare you for your own home inspection report.

Not to mention that, as a seller, it can be good to know what problems might pop up so you can have a look at your own home and make remedies before putting it on the market!

Pipes and plumbing

When it comes to plumbing, you can’t afford to keep things out of sight and out of mind. Particularly in older homes, materials used for pipes like lead and steel can corrode and be expensive to replace. Even copper pipes in newer homes don’t last forever. If pipes are leaking or looking like they’ll need repairs soon, it will be an important cost to factor into your purchase. 

Insulation and ventilation

Summer is normally a popular time to buy homes, because homes tend to look a bit nicer in the sunshine! But if you don’t get a property inspection, it might be winter time before you realise that the home isn’t well insulated enough to hold in the warmth. Knowing how well your home is insulated will mean you can prepare for the sort of electricity bills you’ll be getting in winter!

Summer can also make it difficult to check whether a home has adequate ventilation and airflow other than doors and windows, which is a common problem that comes up in reports. If you spot mould in the home while walking through, particularly in the bathroom and laundry, it means there’s no adequate ventilation and that it’s not a very healthy place to live. 

Old home appliances

If the home you are looking at comes with appliances, remember to double check that they are actually working! It’s a nasty surprise to move in only to discover that the washing machine or dishwasher isn’t working properly, which will become another cost you’ll have to add on.


Handrails seem pretty minor, but you don’t want weak ones to fail when someone is leaning on them. While an inspector will give them a look, you too can get a sense of how secure they are when walking around the home. 

The roof

Because the roof is difficult to check yourself, your property inspector will be sure to check it when they do an inspection. The roof can sometimes cause problems if it’s damaged or leaking, especially if the home is an environment that’s exposed to the elements. Replacing a roof is a big commitment, so you’ll want to make sure the roof has plenty of life left in it before signing on the dotted line. 

Spotting common problems in a home inspection report

While these are some of the more common problems that pop up in an inspection to be aware of, there are a whole range of things a property inspector will look out for. To guarantee that your potential home won’t have any unpleasant surprises, book a property inspector and a home inspection report before making any commitments. You can inquire about a quote for a potential property via the form below!

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