Entries by nbadmin

Builders Report: cost, advantages, and what to expect

Everything You Need To Know About Your Builders Report When you are buying a house there is nothing more important than making sure that the property is safe, and that you’re actually receiving what you’re being sold on. One of the best ways to make sure the property that you’re buying is a safe place […]

What you can build without consent

What you can build without consent If you’re looking to extend and expand your home in some way, there can be a heck of a lot of hoops to jump through, depending on what it is that you’re wanting to do. But some building work can be undertaken without building consent – meaning you’re free […]

Insulate yourself from future problems

Insulate yourself from future problems Cold, damp houses are a serious problem in New Zealand, causing health issues for thousands of people around the country. With new legislation on the horizon (and considering the winter that we’ve been having), insulation is a hot topic in the property world. There are roughly 450,000 rental properties in […]

The Importance of a Property Inspection

The Importance of a Property Inspection With so many costs surrounding the purchase of a new home, it’s understandably tempting to cut corners where possible. LIM reports, loan application fees, conveyancing fees, property rates, property insurance – the list goes on. And that’s on top of the more obvious things like deposits and moving costs. […]

Getting good guttering

Getting good guttering It’s been a little barmy just how balmy this autumn has been – but while the temperatures have been staying summery, rain has still been on the rise. So, with rain in mind, May’s focus is on guttering. It’s been quite a while since I last talked about the importance of quality […]

Breathe easy with proper ventilation

Breathe easy with proper ventilation This month, with temperatures finally starting to cool down, I thought it was a good time to examine the importance of proper ventilation. We’ve touched on it in passing in previous newsletters, but this time, it’s the focus – hopefully you’ll learn something new to help make your home a […]