What Do Home Inspectors Do?

What Do Home Inspectors Do

“What Do Home Inspectors Do”! If you’re looking to purchase a new home (to you), it can seem like quite an overwhelming experience and undertaking – trust us, we understand! It’s vital that obtaining professional home inspections should play a key role in the process.

That’s exactly why we are here, providing up-to-date knowledge of NZ Home Inspections regulations so that buyers can make informed decisions when investing their hard-earned money into their future abode.

We want you to know what responsibilities home inspectors have, why proper inspections are needed and what factors should be considered for selecting the right one. So, let’s delve further into What Do Home Inspectors Do?

Responsibilities of Home Inspectors

As home inspectors we provide services to buyers of a home. We believe this is fair to all. In the past we used to provide these services to property sellers but at this stage, we limit our service to the property buyer.

We will do an onsite review of the structure and components of a residential property to highlight defects, maintenance needed, as well as other issues with the property. We can provide you with an example report if requested.

Our report is often part of the process towards going unconditional on a Sale and Purchase Agreement in New Zealand. It provides sufficient information to make an informed decision about the property you are interested in buying.

Identifying any immediate issues or defects

A Home Inspector is an essential person on your home buying team during the process of buying a property. They help to identify any immediate issues or defects that may not be visible to the layman. During an inspection, home inspectors look for specific problems associated with various aspects of the house from structural damage and water leakage to mould growth and property maintenance that may be required. 

They will often check features such as windows and doors for signs of wear, inspect guttering systems and drainage pipes, search for evidence of wood rot or pest infestations, take water moisture readings where necessary to ensure safety standards can be met, check fireplaces and ventilation systems are functional etc.

When it comes time for reporting their findings, all defects and / or maintenance found during an inspection must then clearly documented. This includes photographs where applicable.

Providing a detailed report to the buyer

Home inspectors play an important role in helping buyers protect themselves from unexpected costly repairs and ensure the safety and functionality of their new home. Home inspectors will thoroughly inspect the entire property and provide a detailed report consisting of all components, including the structure, electrical systems, plumbing, roofing conditions etc. They look out for any immediate or potentially hazardous issues, as well as identifying areas that may become troublesome down the line. We are also called in to do a property inspection on new builds

The written report is essential in providing peace of mind for both buyers and sellers before entering into a binding agreement together. It lets buyers know exactly what they are getting to help them make informed decisions about their potential home purchase.

With this knowledge comes confidence which can be invaluable when making such an important investment decision!

Need a home inspection today? Call the Property Inspector for Pre-purchase property inspections and building inspections you can trust.