Care for your water systems

Care for your water systems

I hope you’ve had an excellent start to 2016 – and a summer with as few household hiccups as possible. There are always new things to learn about your home – and since I have made a relatively recent shift from the suburbs to a rural property, I’ve found myself finding a few things out the hard way too.

Care for your water systems

Just before going away at the beginning of January, our rainhead was blocked. I thought it was probably just leaves, and figured I’d sort it out when I got back.

When I came back home, everything was unblocked again, which was what I had been hoping for. Until I went to check on the tank itself, and saw – here’s a warning for the squeamish to look away – a dead, rotting possum. It had been raining while we were away, which must have gradually softened things up so it wasn’t stuck where it had been before.

Thankfully, we have filters and purifiers, so nobody got sick as a consequence – but the tanks needed to be cleaned (running up a $600 bill) and we’ve had all the inlets vermin proofed. Not a nice surprise to have to deal with straight after a holiday.

So for those of you on tank water – whether it’s your main home or at a bach – be sure to keep on top of things:

  • Get your tanks checked periodically by by a professional.
  • Protect your inlets from vermin and debris with properly fitted screens and gutter coverings.
  • If things get blocked up, investigate straight away – you could save yourself a large cleaning bill.
  • Seal the tank itself to prevent insects, small animals, birds and sunlight from getting in – it’ll also keep it safer for any children playing nearby.
  • Clear your gutters and roof regularly – especially if there are trees overhanging the area.

And if you don’t have to worry about tank water, thank your lucky stars for the mains keeping your tap water possum-free!

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