Building your network of property professionals

Working in the property inspection industry, I get the chance to meet and work with some great people. I’m pleased to have Simone Jonelle – Sales Manager at Bayleys Ellerslie and a longtime friend of mine – on the blog to share her expertise on the property industry.

The old saying goes that it takes a village to raise a child. Over time, I’ve learnt that it takes a village when it comes to buying or selling a home as well!

During the often stressful experience of buying or selling a property (and even more so in the current environment), it’s so important to surround yourself with experts of the industry. Working with people who have experience, knowledge, and skills will ensure that everything goes as smoothly as possible. The reality is that no single person can know absolutely everything about the process, so building yourself a strong and varied network of knowledgeable people you trust is essential. 

So, which experts should be a part of your network when you next buy or sell?

A lawyer

There’s no way you should even consider purchasing a new home without a lawyer. Having a good lawyer to run you through the process, provide guidance, and check all the paperwork, ensures that you – and your investment – are protected. 

A mortgage broker

Understanding and managing a mortgage is a complicated process – especially if it’s your first home. You don’t always get the best deals from the bank, so an intelligent broker with the know-how will be able to find the best deal and mortgage structure for you. 

An insurance broker

An experienced insurance broker can ensure that both your income and mortgage are covered, and will always provide you with the best advice tailored to your situation. 

A property inspector

Purchasing or selling or home is a hefty investment, and you want to be sure you aren’t making a commitment to a home that’s going to give you any problems in the future. A qualified property inspector will be able to provide you with a comprehensive report and any advice on the state of your property, so you can be sure you’re going ahead knowing the condition of your purchase. 

A real estate agent

While some people like to go it alone, a professional and experienced real estate agent will make both the buying and selling experience so much easier. A real estate agent who understands your needs, wants, and style can take you to places you might not have even considered, or can get you into properties as soon as they’re listed. 

Why genuine relationships are so important

Relationships are at the heart of the property industry. Genuine relationships that involve the same interests, passions, and understanding can make your house selling and purchasing journeys so much more enjoyable and a lot less draining – especially when you know you are in expert hands. 

And you’ll be in much better shape for when you do next purchase or sell if you build those relationships and networks now. It’s never too early to start asking around and doing your research to figure out who your nearest experts are and who you might like to have alongside you. Building your network of knowledgeable, experienced and passionate individuals in the industry can take a little time, but it will make a whole heap of difference in the long run.